Author: Christopher Howie
Testing Internet Explorer on OS X
The only real downside to developing websites on Mac OS X has been finding the right tools to test my work in Internet Explorer. I recently discovered a simple way to test IE from our friends at Tuts+.
RemoteIE is a free tool from Microsoft when you sign up for developer account (which is also free) and if you would like to try it out, I recommend getting started the way that I did by using the tutorial at Tuts+ that I mentioned earlier, called A Fast, Accurate Way to Test Internet Explorer on iOS, Mac OS X, and Android.
How to juggle your cloud communications and stay sane
Challenges to using and managing online communications
- So many services, so little time
- Managing so many different service can be confusing and tedious
- Difficult to have all of your connections using the same services or tools
Ways to create private groups
- Facebook Private Groups
- Google Drive share with private group of individuals
- GroupMe Group
- Slack
Connect Everything with IFTTT
- Create a spreadsheet (Google Drive) of tweets (Twitter) with Hash Tag
- example: #Blizzard2015
- Gmail messages received with #Hashtag added to spreadsheet
- #Week1Assigment in subject
- Automatically upload attachments from GMail to Google Drive
- celtalnl in subject and has attachment
- Tag articles in Feedly and shared in GroupMe
- Tag Web Dev
- Facebook status update with hastag to GroupMe
- RSS to Slack
- Great Google Alert RSS Feed
- All new RSS entries posted to Slack Private Group
- Twitter hashtag to Slack
- Post a voice message to WordPress
- Send voice notes to your email inbox
See all my recipes at
This is a test sending a voicemail to my Email inbox.
from Voicemail
Concrete5: Manually Configure a Link to Open in a New Window
<a href=””>here</a>
<a href=”” target=”_blank”>here</a>
How to Embed HTML Code into Blackboard
Many teachers are using the Blackboard LMS that is provided by their school and ask me how they can embed one CLEAR’s Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), such as Conversations, Audio Dropbox and Video Dropbox, into the courses they are building. Here is a link to a tutorial that demonstrates the process. While the video specifically demonstrates how to embed a video, this process should work for the RIAs as well.
WebRTC Closer to Uniform Browser Support?
WebRTC has been considered an experimental technology. AT&T’s announcement to use this technology for browser-to-phone calls in 2015 may indicate that WebRTC is on it’s way to becoming a widely used technology.
AT&T is the first US carrier to support WebRTC
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!