Concrete5: Manually Configure a Link to Open in a New Window

The 5.7.2 Version of Concrete5 does not give us the option to make a link open in a new tab.  Concrete5 staff have said, in their discussion forum (read the discussion), that they plan to add this functionality in the next release.  But, for now, the way to configure your links so that they will open in a new tab is to edit the HTML directly.
First, click on the source code button:
Next, find the link you would like configure:
Then, edit the anchor tag, inserting the attribute target=”_blank”:
<a href=””>here</a>
<a href=”” target=”_blank”>here</a>


How to Embed HTML Code into Blackboard

Many teachers are using the Blackboard LMS that is provided by their school and ask me how they can embed one CLEAR’s Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), such as Conversations, Audio Dropbox and Video Dropbox, into the courses they are building.  Here is a link to a tutorial that demonstrates the process.  While the video specifically demonstrates how to embed a video, this process should work for the RIAs as well.

Screenr – amyode: This is how to embed HTML code into Blackboard so that you can embed a video from Screenr.